10 Fun March Holidays and How to Celebrate Them

10 Fun March Holidays and How to Celebrate Them

March 2022

St. Patrick’s Day might be the obvious holiday in March, but we can’t forget about the other equally-monumental-and-official holidays. 

I mean… It wouldn’t be fair to go through March without celebrating National Napping Day or Let’s Laugh Day. They have feelings too, ya know? 

If you’re ready for some instant fun and giggles with your little ones, read on to see how you can celebrate 10 of our favorite March holidays with ease.

1. National Pancake Day (3/1)
Grab your eggs, milk, and butter because it’s time to celebrate! Create mini sur-prise pancakes by putting 2 teaspoons full of prepped pancake mix in muffin tins. Put fun “surprise” toppings in each individual pancake (banana slices, choc-olate chips, blueberries, chopped strawberries, a Hershey’s Kiss, or your child’s favorite treat) and bake at 350 for about 15 minutes. Enjoy bite-sized pancakes with a twist! 

2. National Pig Day (3/1)
Celebrate the lil’ piggies with these adorable Sponge Roller Pigs by Smart School House. And the best news? You might even have all the supplies at home (or take a quick trip to the dollar store). You can also try this Pig Finger Puppet by Busy Bee Kids Crafts. All you need is a piece of construction paper, googly eyes (optional), and your finger! Can’t get much simpler than that. 

3. National Read Across America (3/2)
Snuggle up with your little reader (and a cozy blanket!) and enjoy a book togeth-er. Let your child pick his or her favorite book or, for this special occasion, take a trip to the store and pick out a new one.

4. National Day of Unplugging (3/4)
You have 24 hours to unplug, unwind, and relax. The options are endless for this day! A few examples: Play a board game together, visit a local family or friend, go out for a nature walk, read a book, pack a picnic, create a backyard obstacle course, etc. 

5. National Oreo Cookie Day (3/6)
This is Cookie Monster’s favorite holiday. To celebrate, try this quick Minute-To-Win-It family game! Lean your head back and place an Oreo Cookie on your forehead. Try moving the cookie from your forehead to your mouth without us-ing your hands! 60 seconds on the clock… Ready, set, go!

6. National Plant a Flower Day (3/12)
Whether you choose to plant some flowers in the yard or in an indoor pot, your little ones will love picking out their own flower seed packets and watching the plants grow from start to finish. 

7. National Pi Day (3/14)
The instant giggles and joy will make up for the small whipped cream mess! Challenge your little one to a silly, lighthearted game, maybe Tag or Rock, Paper, Scissors. Whoever wins gets to pie-in-the-face the other person. Parents, it’s okay to let your kiddo win… hint, hint. ;) No need for an expensive pie. Just use a paper plate with whipped cream on top! 

8. National Napping Day (3/14)
Sooo, we don’t know about you, but we don’t think the kiddos will enjoy cele-brating by taking naps. We wish! Instead, try a game of Freeze Dance. When the music starts, dance. When the music stops, *snoreeeee.* Go to sleep!

9. National Let’s Laugh Day (3/19)
Fun fact! Did you know the average toddler laughs about 300 times a day? Cele-brate Let’s Laugh day by sharing your favorite jokes or riddles, watching a funny movie, reading a silly book, or watching fun, family-friendly YouTube compila-tions. 

10. National Take a Walk in the Park Day (3/30)
Enjoy some fresh air and visit a local park. For extra fun, you can print out this Outdoor Scavenger Hunt by Fun at Home with Kids!

Looking for other ways to keep your child up, active, and having fun? Schedule a class today!

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