Unlimited Attendance Guidelines
With My Gym offering an unlimited attendance option, we'd like to take a moment to tell you how Unlimited Classes work.
Signing up for Unlimited Classes
All Unlimited classes must be booked online, using your existing account. If you are enrolled in classes, you have an account at www.mygymbg.com; if you are having trouble accessing it, please let us know and we'll send you a link to claim your account or reset your password. We are unable to book Unlimited classes over the phone, by text, or in person at the gym.
You can schedule Unlimited classes up to 2 hours prior to the class in the question! You'll only be able to schedule a limited number of classes at a time online; you'll need to wait until your currently scheduled class is done to book a new one once you've reached that limit. Availability can be limited by how many spaces are available in a class: if you're trying to book an Unlimited class and it's not showing up as an option, it's probably full for that day.
Unlimited Classes and Make-Ups
If you're doing Unlimited Classes, we do not track make-ups or missed classes. Instead, every time you come to an Unlimited Class, it will count as one of your makeups and be automatically marked in the system. When you stop doing Unlimited Classes, of course, any makeups that haven't expired and you haven't used will still be there! If you're enrolled in Unlimited attendance, we are unable to allow Siblings to do make-ups for missed classes: normally, this is allowed, but since we have no way to track make-ups while you're doing Unlimited Classes, we simply don't know if you have enough make-up classes to let the Sibling come. Sorry about that!
What classes can I do Unlimited in?
If you are signed up for one of our non-Martial Arts, you can do Unlimited classes in any other age-appropriate class that isn't martial arts. Generally, we do not allow children in regular or Ninja classes to do Unlimited in our Martial Arts program. The Martial Arts classes are building classes: each class builds on what was learned last week. Children who attend sporadically would have difficulty progressing and would constantly be doing the same skills, since they have to master one skill before moving to the next. In turn, children in Martial Arts can usually not do Unlimited in the other classes, just to be fair. Some classes may not be available for Unlimited classes due to size restrictions, as well; if a class doesn't show up as an option for Unlimited, it's probably full.