Class Enrollment and Cancellation Policies
My Gym Class Policies
Tuition and fees:
- All My Gym classes cost $124 per 4 weeks, except for Martial Arts which costs $94 per 4 weeks. This allows you to attend once class and unlimited Practice and Plays per week.
- Tuition payments automatically recur every 28 days. The charge will occur at the beginning of each 4-week session. If you are subscribed to our email list, you will receive an emailed receipt when you are charged.
- Refunds and store credit can not be given for missed classes or gym closures due to holidays, weather, or other circumstances.
- You can add Unlimited Classes for only $55 more per session! With Unlimited classes, children can attend as many age-appropriate classes per week as they want for no additional charge. Certain classes such as Martial Arts are excluded from Unlimited classes. You can start Unlimited classes at the beginning of any 4-week session and stop it at the end of any session as often as you'd like!
- During times of Free Unlimited Enrollment, which we offer seasonally, everyone enrolled in classes receives a free Unlimited upgrade at no charge.
Missed Classes and Make-Ups
- We do not allow sick children to participate in My Gym classes. If your child has a productive cough, runny nose, fever, or rash please stay home and get better! If a child has these symptoms, the staff will discreetly speak to you and see if they have been cleared by a doctor. If they have not, we may ask you to skip the remainder of the class and return when your child is better.
- If you are going to miss class, please give us as much notice as possible so we know if the class is available for others to do unlimited classes and make-ups that day.
- If you miss a class, you get six (6) weeks to schedule a makeup class. You can do a makeup in any age-appropriate class other than your enrolled class or our Martial Arts classes. If you have Unlimited classes, you don't have to worry about makeups; you can always come to any age-appropriate class, and attending Unlimited classes will deduct from any makeups you might have when you end Unlimited enrollment.
- You can schedule Unlimited and Makeup Classes up until the final day of your enrollment. You can't schedule unlimited or make-up classes after your enrollment ends, and absences don't carry past the end of your enrollment.
- Payments are not changed or prorated if a class is cancelled due to holidays, inclement weather, or other circumstances.
- We hope you LOVE your classes! But, if life happens and you need to cancel your membership, you can do so easily on your My Gym online account. My Gym requires a 30-day notice to cancel your enrollment, therefore a prorated payment may be due upon cancelling. Cancellations are only accepted from your My Gym online account (accessible from the app or website) to ensure we both have a “paper trail.” To cancel:
- Go to www.mygymbg.com and log in to your account
- Click on "Payments."
- Click on "Billing."
- Click "Cancel Enrollment", choose the child and class you wish to cancel, and fill out the online form.
- You can choose to end your enrollment any time after the 30-day minimum, not just at the end of a session. Final payments will be prorated if your enrollment ends in the middle of a session.
- If you need to stop immediately due to injury, illness, or other emergency situations, please contact us ASAP and we can help you!