Gymnastics & Ninja FREE Trial Week (4-10 years)

Gymnastics & Ninja FREE Trial Week (4-10 years)

New Classes Begin week commencing 29th January
You are invited to attend as many of these classes for FREE during our Trial week starting 29th January! For a guaranteed space after the trial week, we recommend signing up in advance to secure your spot. If for any reason you don't love the class, we will offer a full refund. Just fill in the form below and we will get back to your ASAP. Alternatively, book your free trial class by clicking here.

Gymnastics Classes
Children will learn and perfect skills in leveled groups on the Bars, Vault, Beam, and in Tumbling. The emphasis is on having fun and learning foundational gymnastics skills, strength, & flexibility – not competition. Classes are taught in the same positive, encouraging environment that children are accustomed to in every My Gym Program.

Beginner/Intermediate class
Tuesday: 5:10-6:10pm
Wednesday: 4-5pm
Thursday: 4-5pm

Intermediate/Advance class
Thursday 5:10-6:10pm

Pre-School Class (3.25-5 years)
Thursday: 1:50-2:50pm

Ninja Classes
If your child loves climbing, swinging, jumping, and tackling obstacle courses then this is the perfect class for them. It's a high-energy class that encourages kids to explore different ways to approach obstacles. Not only is it fantastic for stamina and fitness, it will build strength and confidence.

Monday: 4:15-5:15pm
Tuesday: 4-5pm
Thursday: 5:10-6:10pm

Ninja Jr (3.25-5 years)
Wednesday: 1:50-2:50pm
Sunday: 10-11am

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