Safety and Wellness
Thank you for observing these guidelines for the good of the whole community.
Sick Policy: We follow a 'Take No Chances' Policy when it comes to preventing the spread of illness in the gym. Please take your child’s temperature at home before coming to the gym. If your child or anyone in your household is displaying any signs of illness (cough, runny nose, sneezing, fever, etc) please do not bring them to the gym. You can log-in to your online account to mark yourself absent as well as schedule a make-up class, unlimited class or practice & plays when everyone is feeling better.
Clean & Safe Facility: We clean and sanitize all mats, equipment, swings, and toys before each class shift, camp and party.
Before Coming to My Gym:
- All classes and practice & plays need to be reserved online in advance. Log-in here. Sorry, no exceptions.
- Please be sure that your child and any family members are free of any signs of illness. Please understand that if anyone exhibits symptoms; cough, runny nose, etc. we will ask you to return another time.
- Can't attend? Mark your child absent online and schedule a make-up class when your child is feeling better!
On the Day of Your Program:
- Arrive 3-5 minutes before your program.
- Wash/sanitize your hands/assist your child to do so.
Parent-Child Classes:
- Please only 1 parent per child in the play area
- Parents wear socks, kids play barefoot (for safety on all equipment, no socks or tights permitted for kids)
- Non-enrolled siblings are not allowed in the play area but infants may be worn by a participating parent.
Drop-off Programs/Waiting in the Lobby:
- Kids in independent programs may be dropped off.
- One parent/caregiver may stay, if needed.
- Non-enrolled siblings are not allowed in the play area.
Thank you for continuing to choose My Gym and entrusting us with your most precious resource – your children! We are honored to serve you and the entire Kent community.