How to schedule make-ups, unlimited classes and Open Gym
Enrolled families should schedule make-ups, Open Gyms and unlimited classes (if applicable) through their online account. Families can sign up for one open gym and unlimited class at a time.
To schedule make-up classes, go to your online account, click Schedule classes, make-up available, schedule make-up, choose class, book a make-up, book day and time and book my class
To schedule unlimited classes, go to your online account, click Schedule classes, unlimited available, schedule unlimited, choose class, book unlimited, book day and time and book class
To schedule Open Gym, go to your online account, click Schedule classes, open gym available, schedule open gym, click on open gym, book a class, choose date and time, schedule now
If you have questions or need further assistance email potomac@mygym.com or text 301-983-5300.