Celebrate National Fitness Day with Us!
We know fitness... and fun! And what better way to celebrate National Fitness Day than with some simple at-home activities for your child to shake some sillies out!
Here are 10 of our favorite games/activities to celebrate Fitness Day:
1. Balloon Tennis: Hit a balloon back and forth using a DIY cardboard racket.
2. Alphabet Soup: Go through the alphabet and create the letters using your body.
3. Backyard Olympics: Create a fun obstacle course using household items.
4. Puzzle Piece Hunt: Hide pieces around the house and have your child search for them.
5. Bubble Wrap Attack: Time to jump and pop the bubbles!
6. Silly Socks: Toss balled-up socks into a basket a few feet away.
7. Flamingo Contest: Have everyone balance on one foot and see who can hold it the longest.
8. Hallway Bowling: Use a soft, small ball to knock down empty water bottles.
9. Animal Charades: Act out different animals and have family members guess what they are.
10. And our personal favorite… A Mini Online My Gym Class! Click the link below.