Our Commitment to Health: Covid-19 Protocols
We're grateful that the Santa Barbara Health Department allows businesses like ours to open. Rest assured we will be meeting or exceeding all health and safety regulations.
We offer multiple programs to suit your family!
- CLASSES: Enjoy our fun-filled gym classes for children ages four months to 11years old. Visit our class schedule HERE!
- PARENTS' NIGHT OUT: We offer Parents' Night Out Twice a month, 1st Friday & 3rd Saturday a month. Space is limited.
- BIRTHDAY PARTIES: YES! We are open for parties and can help make your little one's birthday super special! We promise that this will be the best party in town! Book your next party WITH US!
Thank you for adhering to all policies while working through this unprecedented time. We will adjust as the Health Department and CDC allow. At this moment, here are the current policies if attending the gym in-person to keep you and your family healthy.
- Before Coming to My Gym, Please make sure you read our Policies.
Policy 1: While the sign says STOP, please wait outside until one of the teachers changes the character to say Go. (each class has 10 min in between them so we can safely wipe down all surfaces before the next class enters.) please make sure you clean sanitize your hands before and after leaving the gym floor.
Policy 2: ADULT MUST HAVE SOCK if you didn't bring in; we have some on the counter for you.
Policy 3: Only ONE parent on the floor during class time: you can swap out at any time; we want to be mindful of our class sizes.
Policy 4: Class size will continue to stay 15 students per My Gym class.
Policy 4: Before entering, please make sure you and your children have your mask on. (2.5 and older, must have a mask before entering the gym.)
Policy 5: THE PARKING LOT, The sign still says Nick Rail, but please park in the brick lot just to the left of the building; there is also street parking if the lot is full; please do not park in the back of the building.
Policy 6: if your child(ren) are feeling under the weather or has a slight couch or running nose, remember we have an excellent makeup policy, Ask one of our teachers more about that policy if you have questions
Drop off Programs/Waiting in the Lobby:
- Kids in independent programs may be dropped off.
- You are also welcome to stay and watch from the lobby at this time.
- Drop-ins:
- As of March 14th, Practice & Play must be scheduled in advance by logging into your account and booking a "Drop-In."
- Makeups Classes
- Please schedule in advance using your online account. Call, email, or text if you need help with this.
We appreciate your help in keeping everyone healthy and safe so we can keep your child(ren) playing and learning!