Our Tuition Assistance Program
At My Gym, we want every child to be able to participate in our wonderful programs. We truly believe in what we do and know that every child can benefit from what we offer. Perhaps that is through building self-esteem and confidence, overall coordination, social skills, or school readiness.
We also realize that some children really need a program such as ours for their development, but their family cannot afford the tuition rate we must charge in order to maintain our expenses in running this business.
We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer a limited number of tuition-reduced spots so that these families can join our classes without having to make sacrifices in other areas.
We are accepting applications for tuition-reduced spots in the following classes:
- Tiny Tykes (12w-12m) Mondays 12:30-1:20p
- Tiny Tykes (12w-12m) Fridays 12:40-1:30p
- Waddlers (12m-20m) Wednesdays 11:30-12:20p
- Waddlers (12m-20m) Fridays 10:30-11:20p
- Waddlers (12m-20m) Saturdays 8:45-9:35a
- Waddlers (12m-20m) Sundays 9:45-10:35a
- Gymsters (21m-2y6m) Fridays 9:30-10:20a
- Terrific Tots (2y6m-3y6m) Mondays 11:30-12:20p
- Terrific Tots (2y6m-3y6m) Tuesdays 9:30-10:20a
- Mixed Ages (12m-5y) Mondays 5:00-5:50p
- Mixed Ages (12m-5y) Tuesdays 11:30-12:20p
- Preschool Gymnastics (3y6m-5y6m) Tuesdays 4:00-5:00p
- Preschool Gymnastics (3y6m-5y6m) Fridays 11:30-12:30p
- Ninja Training (5y-10y) Mondays 6:00-7:00p
- Ninja Training (5y-10y) Wednesdays 6:20-7:20p
If your child is of the appropriate age and you can make the class time, please submit your application online here.
How does tuition-reduced program work?
- Complete the application and select the available class that your child can attend.
- In the application, you will be asked how much can afford to pay every 4 weeks, as well as, to share why you think the My Gym program is important for your child.
- If accepted, you will be enrolled into the class at the agreed-upon tuition rate. Your enrollment works just like any others, including ability to join any other age-appropriate classes (when offered) and open plays.
- A credit card is required on file and you will be charged every 4 weeks at the reduced rate until you choose to cancel your enrollment.
- If you cancel your enrollment, the agreement will be terminated. To enroll again at a reduced rate, you will need submit another application. Please note that once cancelled, we will open the spot for another child and it may not be available should you choose to return.
Am I eligible for the program?
- Everyone is eligible if they believe attending My Gym is important for their child but cannot afford our normal rate.
- We do not ask nor do any verifications on your current financial situation; we trust that the need exists if you submit the application.
What happens if I am accepted into the program?
- You will receive a confirmation email of your acceptance.
- We will also reach out over text to finalize the details of the rate, start date, and what to expect.
What happens if I am not accepted into the program?
- If we are unable to accept your application, you will be informed over email.
- This situation may exist if we have more applications received than spots that are available.
What happens if my child ages out of the class they were accepted into?
- We will work with you to move up to the next level class at a time that works for you.
- You will continue to receive the reduced-tuition rate for as long as you remain enrolled, even if your class changes.
Will the other families know that I have received a reduced tuition rate?
- No. We will never share this information and there is no difference in how your enrollment works from theirs.
How can I support this program so that more children can participate?
- We welcome donations to help us run this program and accept as many children as possible.
- We can take a one-time payment or accept cash as a donation.
- If you are a currently enrolled member, and would like to donate on an ongoing basis, we can establish an adder to your tuition rate.