Summer Camps 2025
We have just the thing to keep the kids moving this year! Join us for Summer Camp!!
Why My Gym?
My Gym Summer Camp is a half day of gymnastics, arts and crafts, dance, snack time, music, sports, stories, and much more. My Gym Camp was created to enhance physical development and a sense of individual success. We make our camps easy on parents with our drop-off program, and keep things fresh with our weekly themes!! Our number one goal is your child's growth and development!
Each camp program is uniquely designed to keep your children moving and active, as we emphasize physical & emotional development and personal success. Our themes change weekly and programs change daily, so no two camp days are ever the same.
What are the ages for camp?
Children aged 3 years -7 years 11 months old (once your child turns 8 years old, they are too old to attend any programs at our location). Potty-training is required.
When is camp?
Camp is every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 1:00-4:00pm starting on Tuesday July 8th and ending on Thursday August 28th.
When does registration for camp open?
Camp registration will open up for purchase on the website starting February 17th and will remain open until the last day of camp or until all slots have filled, whichever comes first.
You can schedule out when you'd like to attend camp as soon as you purchase sessions or you can wait and schedule out sessions as they approach, just be aware that days will fill up so make sure to schedule as soon as possible to secure the dates you want/need.
What should I send my child with for camp?
Please send your child in with a bag labeled with their name that includes: a labeled water bottle, a snack (NO NUTS please), and a change of clothes in case of spills or accidents.
What are your prices for Summer Camp?
Camp is sold by the "session"
1 session = 1 day of camp for 1 child.
2 sessions = 2 days of camp for 1 child OR 1 day of camp for 2 children.
Pricing is tiered so the more you buy at one time the more you save.
1-4 sessions = $60 per session
5-9 sessions = $55 per session
10+ = $50 per session
What are the themes?
We are excited to announce our themes and special visitors this year! We have some super fun activities and visits planned so secure your spots in your desired camps ASAP!!
Tuesday 7/8 - Ninja Training
Wednesday 7/9 - Teamwork Challenge
Thursday 7/10 - Soccer Shootout
WEEK 2: 1st Responders Week!
Tuesday 7/15 - Police & Police Car Visit
Wednesday 7/16 - Visit From an EMT
Thursday 7/17 - Firefighters & Fire Truck Visit
WEEK 3: Music & Movement
Tuesday 7/22 - Musical Guest
Wednesday 7/23 - Yoga with Ms Trista
Thursday 7/24 - Zumba
WEEK 4: Imagination Station
Tuesday 7/29 - Dress Up Day!
Wednesday 7/30 - Bubble Party featuring a bubble show
Thursday 7/31 - Ooey Gooey
Tuesday 8/5 - Yoga with Ms Trista
Wednesday 8/6 - MOVIE DAY
Thursday 8/7 - Camp Out
WEEK 6: Wacky Weather
Tuesday 8/12 - Twister Tuesday
Wednesday 8/13 - Beach Party
Thursday 8/14 - Visit from meteorologist Kate Thornton!
WEEK 7: All About Animals
Tuesday 8/19 - Animal Rescue Day
Wednesday 8/20 - Monkey Around
Thursday 8/21 - Adopt-a-pet Party!
Tuesday 8/26 - Bubble party featuring a bubble show!
Wednesday 8/27 - The My Gym fair
Thursday 8/28 - Visit from Jeff the Magic Man