How Our Membership Works
What’s included in my membership?
- Regular Tuition includes Unlimited Classes and Practice & Play times (parent supervised open play)per week.
- Limited Tuition includes ONE Class and ONE Practice & Play time (parent supervised open play)per week.
- Specialty Programs (Preschool Prep) are priced based on the amount of days your child attends each week. Come once a week, or several times, based on your schedule and enrollment plan. Enroll with a staff member, not available for online booking.
How am I billed?
- For everyone’s convenience, My Gym enrollment is an auto-enrollment system. After your trial, you’ll be auto-enrolled continuously every 4-weeks until you decide to cancel at the tuition rate of your chosen program. (Ask us for details about specialty programs!)
- Sibling discounts are available, as well as Teacher, First Responder, Military and Healthcare worker discounts.
- We hope you LOVE your classes! Our age-appropriate programs grow with your little ones all the way to age 10! But, if life happens and you need to cancel your membership, you can do so easily on your online account.
Any other booking rules?
- Going to be absent? Members are asked to mark themselves absent in advance online to receive a make-up for that class. Letting us know you’ll be absent allows another child to come and enjoy the gym in your place.
- How do make-ups work? How do I book a Practice and Play?
- All make-up classes and Practice and Plays must be booked in advance on our real-time online booking system; drop-in classes are not permitted. Only classes that have spots available will appear. Sorry, My Gym personnel cannot override the system or book classes for you in person.
- With Regular Tuition there's no need to worry about make up classes, because they're all included in your monthly tuition! If you miss a class, use your unlimited credits to attend another day!
- Siblings: Other than infants, siblings are not allowed on the gym floor unless they are enrolled in the proper age-appropriate class. You’re welcome to wear, sling, or wrap an infant while your enrolled child participates. If you would like to enroll 2 or more children in the same class, try our Siblings Class!
Sniffles? Cough? Runny nose?
- We love sharing – just not germs. If you feel ill in any way, please stay home and get well soon! Let us know you will not be attending class by marking your child absent online.
- If you or your child show signs of illness during class, a My Gym teacher will kindly ask you to return another day. We appreciate your compliance.
What steps can I take to keep my child safe while at My Gym?
- When participating in class, children go barefoot and parents are required to wear socks. If you happen to forget your socks, they may be purchased upon arrival.
- Parents/caregivers are responsible for constantly supervising their children during parent participation classes and Practice & Play times. Always be within an arm’s reach or less of your child and ready to assist as your little one explores the gym and equipment.
- Please wash your hands or use sanitizer before entering the gym floor and when you leave.
- We encourage you to take pictures (use #mygymboyntonbeach to tag us!), but please be mindful to take photos/videos of only your child.
- All older children must be picked up promptly once the class has ended.
- My Gym is mindful of food allergies. Please do not bring any products containing nuts into the gym.
Sincerely (and with hugs and high-fives!),
My Gym Wellington