Waddlers   14m - 22m
Mon  9:15a Thu  10:15a Sat  9:10a
Mon 9:15a
Thu 10:15a
Sat 9:10a
Gymsters   23m - 2y 6m
Mon  10:15a Thu  10:15a Fri  9:15a Sat  9:10a Sat  10:10a
Mon 10:15a
Thu 10:15a
Fri 9:15a
Sat 9:10a
Sat 10:10a
 class is full or not eligible for online booking
Terrific Tots   2y 6m - 3y 6m
Mon  10:15a Mon  5:30p Thu  9:15a Fri  10:15a Sat  10:10a
Terrific Tots
Mon 10:15a
Mon 5:30p
Thu 9:15a
Fri 10:15a
Sat 10:10a
 class is full or not eligible for online booking
Mighty Mites   3y 6m - 5y 2m
Thu  11:15a Fri  11:15a Sat  11:10a
Mighty Mites
Thu 11:15a
Fri 11:15a
Sat 11:10a
 class is full or not eligible for online booking
Whiz Kids   4y 6m - 6y
Mon  6:30p Tue  4:45p Sat  11:10a
Whiz Kids
Mon 6:30p
Tue 4:45p
Sat 11:10a
 class is full or not eligible for online booking
Cardio Kids   6y - 10y
Tue  6:00p
Cardio Kids
Tue 6:00p
 class is full or not eligible for online booking
Practice & Play   All Ages
Mon  4:30p Tue  11:15a
Practice & Play
Mon 4:30p
Tue 11:15a
 class is full or not eligible for online booking
 Indicates class day / time is full or not eligible
 Indicates class has a future starting date
 Indicates class changes times in the near future
 Indicates class is ending soon
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