Winter Weather Closure Policy
During weekdays, if Springfield School District schools are closed due to weather, My Gym Springfield will also be closed between the hours of 9am and 3pm. We will re-evaluate for any classes/practice & plays that fall after 3pm. Please call and listen to our voicemail message, check our website, watch your email inbox or check Facebook/Instagram for the latest updates.
If Springfield School District schools are delayed, please call and listen to our voicemail, check our website or check FB/Insta for information on whether we will open on time or have a delayed opening.
If there is inclement weather and schools already happen to be closed (not weather related) or if your class is on a weekend, please check our website or FB/Insta pages or call the gym and listen to our voicemail message for updates.
Please keep in mind that siblings are not permitted on the gym floor during age-appropriate classes.
Make-up classes are given for any My Gym Springfield closure due to weather.
My Gym Springfield: 610-543-4444
Facebook and Instagram @mygymspringfieldpa